Friday, December 31, 2010

two thousand ten {wrapping it up}

Some things I wished for this year did not occur. Others I did not plan for happened...
Although I may not fully understand the reason, I'm still Blessed.
I can honestly say I'm wrapping up this new years with a smile.

Some friendships that where lost have been rekindled and new ones have been made.
Others grew distant. I now know why...

With my best friend {hubbs} I anticipate the plans we have been making,
to make 2011 a year full of memories!

I have created a list of "goals" for this coming year and I pray that with God's help they come to pass.

I can't ask for anything more.....
{actually I found 2 gray hairs on my head, those can go away}

Cheers my friends!


  1. i love this post... happy new years & God bless! :)

  2. happy new years!! may all of yours goals and wishes come to pass this year :)
