Friday, February 4, 2011

American Idol

You might have seen these photos in an earlier post. But the Gutierrez brothers {my childhood friends} have something special brewing...They are on American Idol! I'm sure you saw them last night. Below are some pictures of them wearing UPPER FRENCH.

I'm so excited for them both and know that whatever they do, they are going to be successful!


  1. I missed them yesterday but they were talking about them this morning on the radio! They were talking about their posh outfits....excited to see how far they go!

  2. How exciting!!! :-) Congrats girly. Love Idol.

  3. i totally did see them! wow, that is really great, congrats on the added exposure.

    thanks so much for visiting me too, your blog is full of good times with fams and friends, lovely fashion and fun finds. happy weekend to you! ♥

  4. ohh I love the bow ties! I will watch this vid when I'm on a computer whose volume works ;)


  5. that's so exciting! your bow ties are seriously cute...i may have to order one for my hubs.
